> Facilities and Services > Knowledge Wing







  Manage safety and health of all the customers who uses the training center, and in case of emergency provide swift and proper emergency measures to accommodate the need.
Classification Content Note
1st floor of Dormitory
Health Consultation and treatment
Opening Hours
(During Group Students’ stay 08;30~22;00,, Except Holidays and national Holidays)
Management Method
If the person in charge is absent or has left work the first aid kit is passed on to the person on night duty at the information desk in the main building. During Group students’ stay or during camp it will be passed on to the person on night duty at the information desk on the 2nd floor of dormitory.
Hospital bed (2), Electronic heated mattress, Electrical height and weight scale, Medicine Cabinet (2), Bookshelf, Chest of drawers
Desk, PC, Chair, Refrigerator, Microwave, Sterilizer, Dressing Car, First Aid Kit, Water Purifier, Telephone, Blanket, Pillow, Crutch, Stretcher, Sphygmomanometer, Blood Glucose Tester, Stethoscope, Electronic Thermometer, Humidifier, Ventilator, Sterilization Supplies and etc 
In case of emergency, prompt emergency measure will be taken and the patient will be sent to the Cheongshim International Hospital ASAP with interconnected System between hospital and the school.
For all the employees to understand the present condition and number of patients and meet the needs of the customers, the information will be posted on the wall.
Check the safety of indoor and outdoor facilities regularly.
Manage the safety of participants while having programs.
Check and manage the environment of the Nursing Room for all the customers who are using the room to feel comfortable.