> Facilities and Services > Knowledge Wing







  It is a place that gives correct and right information about sex, and helps them establish their sexual identity for their pure family, for their sound sociality.
Location Knowledge wing 2nd Floor
Area 333
Program Loving the body program focuses on experience and Making relationship program focuses on sharing in a group
Age Elementary School Students ~ University and Adults
Capacity About 15~20 People
Class Duration 3 hours each total of 6 hours
(Experience Hall- Room of Life, Room of Growth/ Room of Harmony, Discussion)
Installed Equipments Room of Womb, Room of Life, Sex IQ Maze, Small Performance Hall
 Sex education for Schools and Youth Organizations are taught with Experts.

 Family participants will follow the guide from the entrance of the exhibition hall.

 We provide the whole family a time to experience Sex Education naturally, since the Sex Education is realized in the nature, rather than the everyday life. 

We have a counselor at all time, so during sex exhibition and education if you want you can get counseling.